Thursday, July 9, 2009

Something's happening here...

... what it is ain't exactly clear.

Greetings, boys and girls.

I know, haven't posted in a while. Being unemployed has inexplicably given me tons of free time and yet made me completely busy. I've got a lot of projects going on right now. Several of them involve you, dear readers.

New site incoming...

I'm not going to say too much about it yet. It is in the infant stages right now. Well... I've got the domain registered. The blog will be there, as well some exciting content from Brian. Our portfolios will eventually be a part of that also. Very exciting.

Etsy Store in development...

I'm working on putting together an Etsy store full of gifts for nerds. I'm thinking it will have things for gamers, DMs, even baby nerds. Things like dice pouches, DM screens, dice towers, baby clothes and toys, stuff like that. Input on the kinds of things you'd like to see there is welcome.

I should also be posting more often. Be ready!

Thanks to everyone who reads ye olde blog. Be sure to follow me on twitter ( to keep track of what's going on.

1 comment:


oooo postage.... yay

I think your etsy store sounds GREAT.
I can't wait to see your infants come to life... lol.